ICM Series with Faraz Jaka Maximize Profits on Your Next Final Table
Work directly & in real-time with Faraz Jaka in WEEKLY LIVE LESSONS exclusively on ICM Final Table strategy all of November. Access 80+ poker lessons & private community!
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What is the November ICM Series?
Faraz Jaka has created 5-week series of live coaching sessions, which are all recorded and accessible once you sign up.
Once the ICM Series ends, we will resume our weekly 2-hour lessons on various topics and hand reviews.
2h weekly coaching with Faraz Jaka for 4 weeks about Final Table ICM
Receive summarized notes highlighting key takeaways from each lesson
Watch it live & rewatch it anytime. All lessons are recorded.
Learn how to create a study routine, to discuss & review hands, use simple training tools
Access to replays of 80+ live classes
2h post-flop play adjustments, coached by Dara O'Kearney
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Why you should care about Final Table ICM
Final Table is where the majority of the tournament prizes is distributed
If you are playing for the trophy, you still need to understand ICM strategy to best adjust to Final Table dynamics
Being prepared means you will play with more confidence during the biggest moments of your poker career
That's why Faraz Jaka has packaged a 10h series for you to focus on, with simplified theory tips & solver hacks to apply in your game right away
What Our Members are Saying
@FarazJaka after following you recently and using a small amount I've learned, my game has changed already. Thanks!! Because of this truth, I have grabbed a membership on your shite and believe I will quickly advance to the next level. Knowledge is KING!!!
Just started up with @FarazJaka and Wow did I luck into a great coach! Helped improve my game immensely from our first session! Can't wait for the next session! 🚀
I just finished the "Checkraising from the BB" video lesson from the Core Fundamentals playlist, and I have to say it's one of the best training videos I've ever watched. Probably my biggest leak is my "red line" in live MTTs and not being aggro enough, and having spots like this to play back at the table and pick up those extra chips is huge for me. Looking forward to trying some of this stuff in the WPT Deepstacks main event this weekend!
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Our students have been crushing
Here are our some of our MEMBERS making waves in the last few months
Watch a Sneak Peek
Curious to know how these live poker lessons are in a group setting? Watch this video to see how Faraz Jaka will lead the sessions and make sure you really retain the information presented.
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Make the next final table yours
Your time to prepare for your next final table is now! Study directly with Faraz this November and start making the pay jumps.
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